Broken Timing Belt?
My question…
Do the rest of the belts like the water and alternator they are still working when I crank the car…should they not be working?
or the timing belt works independent from the others?
I also check the distributor rotor and it’s not spining with the cap off…. that’s why I think it’s the tming belt…
Any help will be appreciated…
Yes, it’s the timing belt. The accessory belts are driven from the crankshaft. The timing belt is driven from the crankshaft as well and turn the camshaft/s. The distributor is also usually driven off the camshaft. So if the distributor is not turning, the camshaft is not turning, and the belt is broken. The same holds true for timing chains as well. Usually the chain will not break, but the teeth will wear off of the gears bolted to the camshaft or the crankshaft.

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Posted: 29th October 2013 | Author: Kevin Schappell | Category: Engine