Carburetor Rebuild Kit and Leaking Head Gasket
Hi, I was wondering why fuel is leaking out of my carburetor? When it is running it started as a drip at first and now it is leaking heavily. Would a carburetor kit fix that problem? And what comes in the kit?
Another question is, is it normal for oil to be in my radiator or is there a serious problem that needs attended to right away. i have a 1986 Ford Ranger pickup it has A 2.0 4 cylinder engine i barrel carburetor please help any help would be appreciated thanks.
A rebuild kit may help, but the leak may be from a crack in the carb too. I would remove the carb, look for any broken or leaking gaskets. Sometimes there are plugs in the bottom of the carb which can come loose. Carb kits usually have gaskets, float, needle and seat. If you floats are leaking, or the seat is worn, it will cause a flooding condition and you will see fuel leaking.
Oil in the radiator, indicates a leaking head gasket. I would get it checked/fixed ASAP before it turns into more of a problem. A competent mechanic can do a compression test and check for a bad head gasket.
Good luck,

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Posted: 7th April 2006 | Author: Kevin Schappell | Category: Fuel