Disc Brake Squeal on BMW 3 Series
Question: Just purchased used BMW 3 series…automatic…diesel…
Answer: Yes, more than likely the brake squeal you hear is normal. Brake dust and pad design can cause some brakes to squeal more than others.
On your next brake pad change, make sure the mechanic cleans everything well and applies an anti-squeal coating to the back of the pads. (see products below) I use this on every brake job I do and rarely have issues with squeal.
There are wear pads on most modern brake pads which let you know it’s time to change the brake pads, but that is usually a louder noise. If you think it might be the wear indicators, I would take it to another shop you trust and have them pull the wheels and inspect the pads.

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Posted: 11th October 2016 | Author: Kevin Schappell | Category: General