Ford Freestar high pitched noise?
I have a 2004 ford freestar. They replaced the rotors,pads,tires ect..
I replaced the power steering hoses..
my question..
while driving at higher speeds (over 80kms on the freeway) I hear this high pitched squeal sound coming from the front end. It doesnt do it when I drive under 60km p/h or when I stop, just when I go really fast.
My hubby thought it might be a belt, but I dont know..
It could be a belt, but you would hear it at upper RPMs as the van goes through the gears and gets up to speed. It could be the air vibrating some of the body work, if something is loose in the front end. Does the van click when turning sharp left or right? A bad CV joint could be the culprit, but it would be a very loud whining. I would have a mechanic look at it ASAP since at high speeds things happen fast and if its a CV joint, you dont want to chance it.

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Posted: 11th August 2009 | Author: Kevin Schappell | Category: Body, Suspension